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National Association for the Life Science Industry SwedenBIO is establishing at GoCo Health Innovation City

Today, Friday the 22nd of September, the national non-profit association for the life science industry SwedenBIO is establishing at GoCo Health Innovation City.

GoCo Health Innovation City is developing into an innovation cluster that attracts both national and international researchers, entrepreneurs, and talents within life science.

“We are very glad that SwedenBIO is establishing at GoCo Health Innovation City. Their presence will be very much appreciated by West Sweden as a whole. That includes everyone within GoCo’s Community” says Marie Uddenmyr, Director of Corporate Relations at GoCo Health Innovation City.

SwedenBIO operates nationally but has so far only had offices in Stockholm, and the establishment at GoCo Health Innovation City will be the first one outside of the capital. The purpose of locating themselves at GoCo is to support the industry by expanding their presence in the region.

“Life science is an industry where collaboration and cooperation are incredibly important for the eco-system. In Gothenburg, the industry, property developers, investors, and the government are putting a lot of effort into working closely together. That creates something special, and we want to be there and support this very important advancement” comments Jessica Martinsson, CEO at SwedenBIO.

To commemorate their establishment in West Sweden on Friday, September 22nd, SwedenBIO has invited other companies and people connected to GoCo for a celebration at GoCo House. SwedenBIO’s CEO Jessica Martinsson and Community Manager Frida Eriksson will be there to attend.

Facts about the Life Science Industry in Sweden:

• Pharmaceuticals are the second largest export category and had an approximated turnover of 139 billion SEK in 2022, shows the Central Bureau of Statistics.

• Sweden’s collected Life Science companies have a national pharmaceutical pipeline which can be compared to one of the global pharmaceutical giants, according to The Swedish Drug Discovery and Development Pipeline Report 2023.

• Sweden is very successful in Europe and places themselves as the fifth most successful country according to the above-mentioned report.

• All of Sweden’s Life Science Industry had in 2020 51 765 employees and 3 340 companies, shows Vinnova’s report of Statistics of Swedish Life Science companies.

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