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Together for better health — A day of collaboration and good dialogue

During the first half of 2021, GoCo Arena has brought representatives from academia and industry together, resulting in the new collaborative platform: Sports, Exercise and Health. On September 9, we hosted an entire day dedicated to health and collaboration with three seminars moderated by MD Professor of Sports Physiology Mats Börjesson.

The guests were representatives from both business and academia. Andreas Kramer, a national record holder of the 800 meters, also visited us to give his perspective on Physical Activity After Covid-19.

Wake up at GoCo

Somatic Educator and yoga teacher Jenny Amillon from Himmel och Jord led a breathing session followed by a healthy breakfast. Then GoCo Arena’s Community Manager Marie Uddemyr welcomed everyone before handing over to Mats Börjesson and the first seminar of the day.

Breakfast session — Wearables as a catalyst for better health

Measuring activity has become very popular on an individual based-level. Smartwatches are becoming more common, and smartphone apps collect data on how active we are. How reliable is this information? What is the potential use of wearables to improve health? Mats talked to the experts to discuss the subject get a better understanding. The expert line-up comprised: Associate Professor in Nutrition Daniel Arvidsson, Technogym’s Silvano Zanuso and CEO and founder of Skisens AB Johan Högstrand.

Key takeaways

• The information we get from wearables isn’t precise and will vary between individuals and different types of sensors

• It’s critical to think about the purpose of measuring to make sure we get adequate data

• Imprecise measured data is acceptable if the purpose is to get a personal indication rather than using it as knowledge for research.

• Wearables still have enormous potential to encourage increased activity from a public health perspective

Lunch session — Industry, research collaboration

The topic addresses the purpose of GoCo Arena's core values: Collaboration between business and academia. Mats was joined by Professor in Biomechanics Stefan Grau, Associate professor Martin Fagerström and Technogym’s Silvano Zanuso to talk about possibilities and challenges within collaboration.

The initial questions circled on how collaborations get started and how we maintain them to become successful partnerships, to become profitable for both the companies and the researchers.

Key takeaways

• We have much to learn and gain from each other and that's why collaboration is essential for innovation

• Personal networking to gain trust is critical to find collaboration opportunities

• Communication struggles happen, but how do we get better at avoiding them? Industry and academia need to find common ground and be open-minded to make it work

• There is a lack of neutral meeting places, that's why GoCo Arena will be an essential step in the right direction to accelerate collaboration

Fika session — Physical activity after covid-19

The Fika session of the day aimed to give a better understanding of physical activity after suffering covid-19. In the panel, we invited guests like Chief Physician of the Swedish Olympic Team in Tokyo Per Andersson, Ola Jodal from RF-SISU and professional athlete Andreas Kramer.

We discussed physical activity, infection, and learned from this year’s experiences from the Tokyo Olympics. Finally, we opened the stage for a Q&A session on Covid-19. When the pandemic broke out, we knew little about Covid-19. We still don’t know everything, but we know a lot more today.

Key takeaways

• Physically active people have a reduced risk of serious or lethal covid infection. Serious Covid infection is therefore rare among professional athletes

• A Covid infection behave like other viral infections when it comes to complications

• Wait seven symptom-free days until you get back to exercise after any kind of infection

• Listen to your body, lungs, and heart when you are on your way back from illness – it should not be painful to get back to an active life

In collaboration with

Göteborgs Universitet, CHP – Centrum för Hälsa och Prestation

Chalmers, Styrkeområde Hälsa och Teknik

Göteborgs Friidrottsförbund

Business Region Göteborg

Västra Götalandsregionen

RF-SISU Västra Götaland

Göteborg & Co

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